=== ClassCharts for Parents === {{:public:example.png?nolink&400|}} Wallace High School uses a system called ClassCharts as classroom management and behaviour recording tool. This year we will be refreshing the school’s use of this system in order to link it in with our Attitudes to Learning (A2L) framework. More details on this can be [[https://www.wallacehigh.org/about/pastoral/|found on the school website]]. It is our hope that this will allow parents to better understand what steps their child can take to improve their learning and engagement in work and other activities relating to school. A major element of this refresh is the use of a standardised record of both positive and negative behaviours in school. We aim to be able to reward our outstanding students on a termly basis. Parents can check in on their child’s progress using the ClassCharts parents’ app which is available on both the [[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.classcharts.android&hl=en_IN&gl=GB&pli=1|Google Play]] and [[https://apps.apple.com/us/app/classcharts-parents/id1018655566|Apple App stores]]. You can also access the information via the internet by visiting ClassCharts.com .