====== Online Parent Teacher meetings ====== At Wallace High School we have adopted a digital system for Parent Teacher meetings. The system we use is called [[https://wallacehigh.schoolcloud.co.uk|SchoolCloud]]. You can log in to book your slots at [[https://wallacehigh.schoolcloud.co.uk|https://wallacehigh.schoolcloud.co.uk]] when a parent teacher meeting booking session is opened. These are typically opened a few weeks before the afternoon of the meetings. Only the [[public:primarycontact|Primary Contact]] listed for each student is able to make bookings, but once bookings are made, they can "invite" additional parents / guardians to attend the video calls. You will initially be able to book a maximum of 6 slots. You can only book one slot per subject, and the appointments are set at 4 minutes each. Once everyone has had a chance to make some bookings the remaining free slots will be opened up, usually a couple of days before the meetings, on a first-come, first-served basis. //Bookings close 48 hours before the meetings and no further bookings can be made after this point. // {{ :public:video-meetings2.png?nolink&200 |}}